In life it is easy to lose sight of where you are headed and sometimes you don’t know the final destination. It is when we, as society, allow something or someone to re-inspire and ignite the fire for learning; we are able to awaken the passion in our hearts.
As Students and Staff of the Institute of Beauty and Wellness, we were privileged to receive guest education from the amazing, Mary Brunetti. This talented woman had students craving creative design and inspired them to work harder and dream bigger.
“Less focus on the Destination,” says Mary Brunetti as we all watch her intently. Mary Brunetti described students as getting too focused on the final result and working on guests in the chair, versus really enjoying the art of learning our craft. When asked what advice she would give students she responded, “In keeping constant education, because we can always learn more. I, myself, continue to keep learning.” These bits of advice will be carried with us throughout our time here at the Institute of Beauty and Wellness and throughout our career.
Working one on one with Mary Brunetti was one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had during my cosmetology program thus far. She showed us some creative ways to style hair as well as some tips and tricks for haircuts. But, I think the biggest take away was following her example of keeping passion and education dear to your heart.
Her charisma and passion for hair and testing the limits throughout the world of Cosmetology make this remarkable woman shine.
– Accelerated September Cosmetology student, Jessica (Jade)
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